
Showing posts from December, 2021

Scream 4

  I saw this movie with a boy I was completely in love with. He did not share those feelings for me (don’t worry, things worked out for me). It was the first time I saw a Scream film in the theatre, the other time being just over a month ago when I got to see the original for its 25th Anniversary rerelease. It was such a special experience that I’ll forever treasure. Scream 4 was written by Kevin Williamson ( Scream ) and directed by Wes Craven ( Scream ) and was released on April 15th, 2011. Scream 4 was made on a budget of $40 million, made $18,692,090 upon opening, and went on to make $97,231420 worldwide, making it the lowest grossing in the franchise. It received mixed reviews upon release, though in recent years critical reception has been more positive even amongst initial detractors.  Set fifteen years after the original Woodsboro Massacre, Sidney (Neve Campbell, Scream ) returns home to promote the release of her memoir only to find yet another copycat killer. S...

Doctor Sleep

The idea of Stephen King ( Carrie ) writing a sequel to The Shining , arguably his most famous novel, was controversial to say the least. What, exactly, was the point of a follow up? That was the question on many minds when it was announced, but it was quickly answered when Doctor Sleep was quite well received upon relief. The same questions started to emerge when Mike Flanagan’s ( The Haunting of Hill House ) film adaptation was announced. Like the novel, critics were largely silenced when the film was released despite the film’s low box office returns. Doctor Sleep was written and directed by Flanagan and was released on November 8th, 2019. Doctor Sleep was made on a budget of $45 million, made $14,114,124 upon opening, and went on to make $72,381,712 worldwide. Despite it’s disappointing box office, the film received positive reviews. An extended Director’s Cut (increasing the runtime from 152 minutes to 180 minutes) was released in early 2020.  Doctor Sleep follows an adu...