Night of the Living Dead
Unpopular opinion time, Night of the Living Dead is superior to Dawn of the Dead . Don’t get me wrong, Dawn is excellent but it has serious pacing issues (ironically Zack Snyder of all people resolves that with the remake’s shorter runtime). Despite a few clunky moments, Night is nearly flawless. Night of the Living Dead was written by John Russo ( Santa Claws ) and George A. Romero ( Creepshow ) and directed by Romero. Night of the Living Dead was made on a budget of $114,000, made $5,452 upon opening, and went on to make $236,452 worldwide. Night of the Living Dead was released on October 1st, 1968 and immediately attracted controversy due to it’s realistically violent nature. Despite the controversy, the film has received overwhelmingly positive reviews and is considered a classic by modern audiences. Night of the Living Dead spawned five official sequels by Romero, several remakes (and remakes of the sequels), and an alternate continuity spin-off franchise helmed by Russo...