The Lost Boys
I initially was going to close out 2020 (thank God) by covering Jacob’s Ladder . However, it’s no longer on streaming and due to USPS delays I haven’t gotten the DVD from Netflix yet (yes, I still subscribe to the Netflix mailing service) so I’m covering the next film on my list, The Lost Boys . This is a first time watch for me and was requested by my good friend Erin. The Lost Boys was written by Jan Fischer ( The Golden Girls ), James Jeremias, and Jeffrey Boam ( Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade ), directed by Joel Schumacher ( Batman Forever ), and was released on July 31st, 1987. The Lost Boys was made on a budget of $8.5 million, made $5,236,318 upon opening, and went on to make $32,388,898 worldwide. Upon opening, The Lost Boys received positive reviews from both critics and audiences. After moving to the town of Santa Carla, California with their recently divorced mother Lucy (Dianne Wiest, Hannah and Her Sisters ), brothers Michael (Jason Patric, Rush ) and Sam (...