Friday the 13th: A New Beginning
We close out the first Friday the 13th theme month not with a bang, but with a sad little fart. After four films that varied in quality but were still enjoyable in their own way we are at the first true stinker of the bunch. It’s Friday the 13th: A New Beginning , also known as the other one without Jason Vorhees. Friday the 13th: A New Beginning was written by Martin Kitrosser ( Model Behavior ), David Cohen ( Hollywood Zap ), and Danny Steinmann ( Savage Streets ) with Steinmann also directing the film. A New Beginning was made on a budget of $2.2 million, made $8,032,883 upon opening, and went on to make $21,930,418 worldwide. The film was released on March 22nd, 1985 to largely negative reviews. After killing Jason Vorhees, Tommy Jarvis (John Shepherd, The Hunt for Red October ) spent several years in several psychiatric institutions and is sent to a halfway house near Crystal Lake. After one of the teens at the halfway house kills another, someone takes up Jason ...