
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Hills Have Eyes (2006)

               You might be wondering why of all movies to begin with I chose to review the remake of The Hills Have Eyes . Well, faithful reader, let's time travel back to 2006 for the story of how I began my horror journey in earnest with this movie.   As a kid I had a passing interest in horror; I read Goosebumps and liked monster movies (in fact, we’ll visit one of my favorites in a couple weeks). That all came to an abrupt albeit brief stop when I was 12 and watched the American remake of The Ring . That movie, to put it bluntly, scared the fuck out of me. For a year I would only sleep with the television in my bedroom turned on having convinced myself that Samara could only come out of the TV if it was off first (please don’t question my 12-year-old logic). I decided then that horror wasn’t for me. Too fucking scary. Then, the very next year, I saw the trailer for The Hills Have Eyes . I didn’t know it was a remake; I knew nothin...


     Welcome to Horror by Harrison. My name is Harrison Coffman (hence the name), I am a writer, actor, podcaster, and horror enthusiast.      A little about me: As of this writing, I am 27-years-old and live in Louisville, Kentucky with my husband John. Though I have a particular affinity of horror, I have a general love of stories of any medium and genre. In addition to this blog, I also co-host a Buffy the Vampire Slayer recap podcast (I’m a huge fan) called Booze & Buffy with my good friend Jason. Please check us out on all major podcasting platforms.      So, what is this blog? This is a space where, once a week, I will be sharing my reviews of different horror movies. My hope is to keep my reviews eclectic so I will be covering movies both old and new, “good” and “bad”, well-known and obscure, and ones I’ve seen before and ones that are new to me. I hope to share my own love and knowledge of horror while also expanding it.  ...